I think it was, because we had the old exhibit we had basically doors with pans inside and so you could just take the pans out and animals would be shifted out. And we tried to build it into the rock work in the new exhibit and it just physically was not suitable. It just wouldn’t catch. They replaced, those were barred exhibits, and they replaced it with glass. So we had glass, all the exhibits have glass, which they tested, for the lions, they tested the glass like 350 pounds at, you know, 50 miles an hour or something. And testing equipment broke, but they figured it would hold a lion, and so far it has. (chuckles) So, yeah, so that didn’t work. And we lost guardrails, since they were all glass exhibits and the rock work underneath, I mean, kids can get right up and to it, so a keeper couldn’t get in there and physically get in with the people standing there, so they just went back to pulling the animals off exhibit, putting the food out and then letting the animals back on exhibit. And you talked about one of the exhibits had a white tiger.