I mean, we had, Bob Barker came, Kevin Nealon came, we had protests outside the zoo and just trying to get elephants out of the zoo. Well, the keepers were accused of, brought up on animal cruelty charges, using some of the tapes that Don had done for training purposes. I mean, they were, if you see “The X-Files,” there is a thing on “X-Files” with elephants, that’s the Milwaukee County Zoo. And it was one of the elephant keepers at the time. It totally backfired. His son was so excited when he saw his dad on “The X-Files” and all his friends were just so excited. No one thought about how, well, you know, it was mistreating elephants. So we no longer have Asian elephants at the Milwaukee County Zoo, because we are abusive to Asian elephants, but we’re not to African elephants.