And so we ended up sending her to Hawthorn-Mellody Farms, which created just a big fear. We had an animal rights activist who played French horn for the Milwaukee Symphony, took a leave of absence to work on this to save Lota. And, I mean, I could see her just go up the hierarchy in the county to get this animal out of, I mean, we had given, I mean, she couldn’t get Lota, ’cause Lota was now officially owned by Hawthorn-Mellody Farms. It got bad enough, I mean, Bruce sent Moola to the Dickerson Park Zoo to be part of their breeding program just to get her in, make sure she went to another zoo, so the, (Elizabeth sighs) she, I forgot her name. Of course I forgot her name. I mean, we had, when Lota was shipped, the day that Lota was shipped, I wasn’t there. I was at the Boston Zoo for something else. And Bruce and the keepers handled it and it didn’t go well.