It’s usually they’re in city parks and they’re, a lot of kids there only exposure to animals. And they don’t necessarily need to have, you know, lions and tigers and most of the smaller zoos don’t. They have a bobcat or bears or something like that. And they have sensory gardens they could do. They can do things locally that, you would come to the Milwaukee County Zoo and it takes a long time to see it and most kids don’t have that attention span. So a place that they can go and be in nature and be with animals, I think, is very beneficial. Can you speak to the issues of the counties, and you talked about it a little, but county’s desire to change the public-private relationship with the Zoo Society around 1989, and that unfolded. As you look back on it now, was the relationship between the county zoo and the Friends or the Zoo Society with their different jobs that they hired and the different responsibilities and hierarchy.