Okay, Boese was staying. The problems were that they were so linked together, Dr. Boese and Lillian, that he would leave Lillian in charge of the zoo if he left, and she was not a county employee. And as when accreditation became part of the, you know, zoos needed to be accredited, George knew that he wasn’t, this is back when Speidel was still director, that he wasn’t going to be able to get the positions that he needed through the county system. So the veterinarian was a, the zoo had, Bruce Beehler, when he was veterinarian, was a county employee, but the collection had grown to the place where they needed a second veterinarian and they couldn’t get a veterinarian. So the Society hired the second veterinarian and then the Society paid for the registrar, ’cause you needed to have a registrar. And the Society paid for the education department. Everything that the zoo needed to upgrade to have. So it was all interconnected and then some of the keepers who were county employees said, “No, I’m being supervised by someone who’s a society employee, that’s when everything sort of went south for Dr. Boese.