So elephants became the key. Well, if you’re gonna do elephants, then you should, a facility for elephants, with oversized drains, thick walls, high roofs, whatever, then you should think about what other animals that are appropriate for your zoo in that category that need that kind of requirement. So the others that jump to mind would be hippos, rhinos, giraffes, whatever, excluded rhinos, because they were more difficult to get. Hippos because, we chose hippos ’cause they were aquatic, or amphibious at least. They would be in water, they’re a bigger attraction, may be easier to get. And giraffes, so we settled on the three, the big charismatic vertebrates, megavertebrates, elephants, hippos, and giraffes. Then in the same building, we would then have had one section for large primates. Although we wanted to start with young animals.