Well, it is quite different than it was when I got in. I mean, to tell veterinary students or anybody today, “Oh yeah, I was offered a job even before I graduated.” They’d say, “What?” You know, they’ve been working 10 years to try to you know, get into a place. It’s just different, there’s a lot more interest there. I would say that today a veterinarian, you know, ought to first off, you know, get their veterinary degree, but they’d better be open to the fact that they may not get a position in a zoo. People, you know you tell them, “Well, I was a zoo veterinarian.” They, “Oh, that’s a job, that’s the perfect job, I would want it all the time.” You know, it’s like, well you know kids who say they wanna be zoo veterinarians, I say, “Well, you gotta go to veterinary school, but you better just study veterinary medicine, because you may not get into the zoo.