Well, of course Dr. Gilula was there. The specialist who does those things were there. And Dr. Ford was there, who was there just in case that cheetah needed some kind of surgery, you know, that he was going to help on a Sunday morning. So I of course made sure my sister knew where she fell in the line, that Dr. Ford was gonna be there immediately to help a cheetah at the zoo, but couldn’t see her for eight months. But the cheetah had a different thing that they recognized on the the work up there, that it was a, there was a very minute fracture that was visible on their equipment there, when we did all of that workup. And you know, I guess the outcome wasn’t a whole lot different. We didn’t do anything to it, and it recovered fine. But it was just an interesting thing, utilizing again, some of our consultants and some of the other equipment.