I always did it and I did it in the time, you know, that he needed it. Where others, I guess failed him at times, and you know, so it was, you know, he knew that if he gave me something to do, it was gonna get done. Talk about your new responsibilities, if you had any. Well you know, I guess finance and HR came into that, where I was overseeing both of those, which I had not overseen before, even though I was, you know one of the things with the outside contractors, and so forth, especially, we were doing a lot of new construction. River’s Edge, Penguin Puffin Coast, some of those things were, just the whole zoo was being redone. And one of the things that I did was, you know, keep us within budget on those. They can easily have a lot of overruns, a lot of change orders. And one of the biggest things, you know, with dealing with outside construction was taking those plans to all of the people involved, all of the keepers involved and what, “Is this gonna work?” And sometimes explaining to them what they have, and what, you know, because not everybody can read the blueprints and you know, “Well I want you, you know, ’cause this is the way it’s gonna be built.