And, you know, I told them, “Look, I don’t wanna publish anything about the tigers, the drug is fabulous.” And at that time they were getting ready to put it on the market for use in dogs and cats, not in, obviously the zoo market is not a big place for them to sell a whole lot of product, and they didn’t want anything come out that would be detrimental to the drug. And so I at that point said I would not publish anything about tigers. And it was kind of at that point for me, it was like, “Hmm that’s,” I thought it was important to do it. And later on somebody else did publish about it, that you shouldn’t use it in tigers. But I continued to get the drug, and it was a fabulous product. Were you still using the Palmer- Capture gun. Or were those also evolving into different- Well the Palmer capture gun, which is the one that I talked about, that has the various needles and various things, and uses a little charge that forces the plunger down the tube, allows you to project any liquid medication into the animal. Whether you’re anesthetizing the animal, whether you’re just giving it antibiotics, whether you’re giving it a vaccine, any liquid medication can be delivered intermuscularly into the animal.