So we loaded up another dart, figured, well maybe it hit him, but maybe it didn’t go off, maybe it didn’t fire. And so this time loaded up a two-inch needle on the end, and again, another dose of the M99 and hit the bear, then again a second time. Oh, within about eight, 10 minutes I guess, the bear goes down, becomes immobilized. And so we can get in there, clean up the wound. I mean it was a, you know, gosh, the whole bottom of the foot was covered with this laceration. Had to be a couple inches deep and bleeding, and got it all closed and sutured up. After we were finished doing that, it cleaned up, looked pretty good, started putting the bandage on there. And you know, because in veterinary school we’re learning, well, you gotta keep that wound clean, and so that’s the only way.