I mean- and I liked working with them. I probably, I really got interested in farm animals more so when I was in veterinary school. And so I had previous, in high school and early part of college, I worked at Monsanto Chemical Company as a chemical operator during the summertime, ’cause I had to earn my own way to school. And so once I was in veterinary school, after a few years, I said, “Well, I better get a job working with animals somewhere during the summertime.” And so between my second and third year of veterinary school, I started looking around. Well, I gotta work for some veterinarian someplace, and there weren’t any jobs available. I kept looking and looking and nobody had anything. And so I thought, “Well, I’ll try the zoo.” And I went, and at that time, met a veterinarian who was there. He wasn’t the zoo’s veterinarian, but he was doing work for Washington University at the time, Dr. Joel Wallach.