Well, I think one of the things that we do, many zoos do very well, is they bring people on, and they orient them, and they train them when they first come on. And then a lot of the training after that is on the job training, which is great. But we need to do a better job as organizations at picking out those superstars, the people that are shiny, the people that show the qualities that we want in a leader. We need a better way to pick those people out and to do that. And to start putting them in situations where we’re putting ’em in training programs, we’re putting ’em in management training, we’re putting them in, we’re trying to put them in a role or a path that will lead them to being a good manager later on in their lives. And that can be done at a very early age. I mean, I can literally interview a person, and in three to five minutes I know whether we’re gonna hire ’em or not. And so you can, after working with a person for a year, know whether that person has the potential and the qualities you need to develop in a leader.