We’ve got to get this ball rolling. And there was some kind of deadline, I don’t remember what it was even now, but there was some kind of deadline that we needed to meet. And so I sent them a letter via email saying that we were leaving, we had decided to drop our membership in AZA and no longer be members of AZA, and that we felt that there were a great deal of wonderful people in AZA, but that we had a philosophical difference that currently was not solvable despite our best efforts. So I sent that letter to them and Dennis Pate, at that time, was the president of AZA at that time, chair of the board of AZA. So we sent that letter out, and unfortunately AZA wasn’t very kind in their PR about that after that. And so they kind of blasted us. We’ve always felt like we have a philosophical difference and we were not here to badmouth you, but unfortunately they badmouthed us a little bit. But we’re big, we’re big kids, we can handle that.