So it just depended on who made the best case where the tiebreaker would end up. But it wouldn’t necessarily, I tried very, very hard not to play favorites, although people criticize you when you say that you don’t play favorites, but you do play favorites. And it’s not because, I think people are not understanding sometimes when they say you play favorites when we are people. And some relationships are easier than other relationships. People get along with this person better than they do that person. It’s not that I’m playing favorites, he didn’t get any more money in his budget than you got in your budget, but we just talked to each other more than I talked to you. So, but anyway, so I think my management style was more of trying to empower the people that worked for me to the best of my ability, give them the tools that they need, ’cause a lot of times you’ll empower people to do stuff, but then you don’t give ’em the stuff they need to get it done. So then they fail, and you’re looking at ’em going, well, you failed, but hey, you didn’t give me the resources I needed to succeed.