So we were working with five endangered species. So one of the things I wanted to put a focus on, obviously, is growing the animals that needed our care the most, the endangered species, especially in the zoo. So that needed work. Also, the facilities needed work, the children, my office at that time was in a little chalet. I jokingly told people that the reason why I got the job was ’cause I could fit in the bathroom in the chalet, because the zoo office was in a little a-frame chalet in the children’s zoo, which also needed a lot of work. In the children’s zoo, in this little chalet, and the bathroom was in the corner of one of the lean-tos. And so my office had a lean-to in it. And so I jokingly told some of the people that didn’t get the job that were 6’5″ that you didn’t get it ’cause you wouldn’t fit in the room.