I just don’t make it a priority to manage my checkbook, ’cause I’m busy, and that’s not top priority. And by that time we had a two year old, well we didn’t have a two year old yet, but we were thinking about it. And so he said, well you ought to go look at getting your MBA or something, so you know something about business, and you’ll know how to balance your checkbook, take some finance classes and everything. And so I said, oh, okay. So I went to the University of South Carolina and got my MBA, working, going at nights. I’d work a full day at the zoo, and then turn around and go to MBA classes at night. And they’ve streamlined ’em a lot better now, but back then you’d go two or three nights a week and then you go all day Saturday for a year. And so I got my MBA at the University of South Carolina.