Well, I was a student extern. So basically we tagged along with the veterinarians and we did whatever we could do to help out, basically hold anesthesia, basically what a vet student is able to do. I was very good, ’cause I’d actually been, I went to vet tech school first, so I was a vet tech before I went to vet school. And so I was very good at bleeding, I could hit any vein you could possibly think of, and so I was able to help them out a lot with that kind of thing. And so basically you were tagging along, just getting your feet in the industry, for lack of a better term, feet in the profession, and learning what the profession is actually about. And so Emil at that time also worked, of course, with the New York Aquarium, ’cause that’s under the WCS banner. And so we would get to go over to the aquarium and work at the New York Aquarium as well, and that was my first introduction to any type of fish medicine, which was definitely, it was in its very, very infancy. Nobody knew anything about fish medicine.