Well my daddy was a school teacher, he was a science teacher, and so he was very good at teaching and helping you learn, as was all my uncles and all that kind of thing. So it was hard work. It was hard work and actually, quite frankly, I couldn’t wait to get outta my hometown because of that, wanting to do something other than hard work. ‘Cause we started in the fields at age five. I actually have a block that I found when I moved back home, I’m at home now, and I found this block that went on the clutch of the tractors so that we, ’cause we didn’t have legs long enough to reach a clutch to drive the tractors in the fields. And actually my earliest memories of the fields and the tobacco is my daddy put me up on a mule, when they used a mules in the fields, and he put me up on a mule. And I know you’re not supposed to remember things like that from like when you’re two or three, but I distinctly remember that, probably ’cause I love horses now, but. So you wanted to be a horse doctor, you got exposure to the zoos as you were learning your craft.