Well, I don’t know if I was thinking of the life at that time when I said that, but I think that zoo animals are obviously not wild animals. They’ve been taken from the wild, so their ancestry is from the wild, but they’re very different from wild animals as we know. I mean, putting a zoo animal back into the wild is all also a task of retraining and relearning, or not retraining, but just learning how to live in the wild. And if they’re not trained before they get put in the wild, they normally die because they can’t fend for themselves. But they’re there. They’re there. And that’s why zoos should take animals from other zoos and display them because they are like actors from central casting and they are used to being in captivity, understand things that you should do, you shouldn’t do, understand how to work with keepers and pose for the public. And I mean, say that in a very facetious way, but just kind of like they’re not stressed, highly stressed.