Well, I think I come from the School of Zoo Design, which is basically set up by Hancocks and John Coe, Jones & Jones in the 1976 long range plan of the Woodland Park Zoo, which David Hancock commissioned, and he chose Jones & Jones, which is a landscape company as opposed to an architectural company to do the long range plan. And they kind of created this school of naturalistic using nature as a benchmark. And so nature doesn’t go out of fashion. It’s something that is quite difficult to copy, but it’s worth copying, which Jones & Jones spawned Portico, Hanssen Studios and CLR, which the Bronx who sort of independently developed with Bill Conway and John Gwen. And then people like See Chin and Lee Ehmke have kind of developed. So they’ve all taken this very natural school. And I’m a great believer in, I think, that landscape and naturalness is a very integral component of landscaping a zoo exhibit. It’s not necessarily the norm.