We had good restaurants try to space them out, convinced them to eat first. Sometime we had sunset where we actually didn’t like taking people in sunset, but we had Japanese who were making a flight at 11 o’clock at night to go to Tokyo, and they had to come in at 6:30 so they could finish by eight o’clock, that kind of stuff. But the basic parameter, the basic thing was you don’t come in till it’s dark. Now, it gets dark in Singapore with a 20-minute difference throughout the year. So from the summer to the winter solstice, there’s a 20-minute difference. So there was a little bit of kind of flexibility on timing, but we don’t like you to come in when it’s still light because you see the barriers. You don’t have that full experience. You come in at twilight, you can see the back barrier, you can see the front barrier.