I’m not gonna get your job, but you could get an interview.” And so I went down with her and I interviewed. The chairman whose name was Dr. Ong Swee Law, he interviewed me, asked me to write an essay on something or other, and told me many, many years later that it was the most childish essay he’d ever read from a graduate. But hired me because I was very enthusiastic and was happy not to take very much money in salary because I just wanted the job. I said earlier that I disliked zoos, but I had actually done some research and been to Singapore Zoo and looked around and thought it was very, very, very, very beautiful zoo. It was actually designed by a guy called Lyn de Alwis, who was the director of Colombo Zoo and also director of National Parks of Sri Lanka. And that led onto a very long standing relationship with Lyn as a guru. I used to call it my guru. Now, you are a bit unique in and that you’ve spent your entire professional career at one zoo, moving up the ladder, with many titles, different responsibilities.