He would go into the forest, cut down saplings, make a kitchen off the ground where you could all sit down and cook and not have to be on the ground because it would be wet, rainy, and make some other basic facilities. And then the students would come in with pitch tents around that central cooking-eating social area. And we’re talking about in the days when zoologists used to get their specimens by shooting them. My father would be walking in and he’d say, “Can we get that black and white giant squirrel?” (imitates gun fires) And there we go and shoot it down, pick it up, skid it, take the measurements and there’s your specimens. And that’s how he used to do it, basically. And he taught me how to shoot, it was great. He taught me how to shoot a shotgun. From about 10 to about 16, we used to go on these trips and it was probably one of the nicest things, two weeks in the rainforest with my dad and his students.