I thought you were going in a different direction there. (laughs) I have been challenged, and I think every zoo director has been challenged. “You spent $17 million on five sea lions?” which is basically the last major exhibit I did. And you get asked that question and you go, “Well, that might have been kind of stupid.” (laughs) But it was great for the zoo and people love it, and now they’re learning about sea lions. The amount of money that zoos, and I’m talking about AZA-accredited zoos. The amount of money that we spend every year on, using that term, major exhibits is a drop in the bucket to what needs to be spent and hopefully in some places is being spent on conservation in the wild. So I don’t think you go down that road. I don’t see those things being exclusive. What can or should US zoos and aquariums do to affordably help upgrade developing countries with their zoos, where sometimes zoos are not a profession, but a job filled for working folks.