And unless you’ve- But on the other extreme, on the other end, you’ve got kids who are committed to it and will do anything and everything to stay connected. And I had kids over the years who I was so impressed with, who started coming to the zoo as little kids and just stuck with it, and ultimately, you know, went to college and majored in one of the life sciences. I had a child, I’ll never forget this, years ago. The father was a local architect. And I saw him somewhere and he said, “Do you know what a cuscus is?” I said, “Yeah, I know what a cuscus.” He said, “My son is obsessed.” And I said, “How in the world did that happen?” And he said, “It was in a book.” And we had cuscus. And so I got the child out, and, you know, this kid just became huge zoo fan and his father, huge zoo support. But it didn’t start with the zoo. It started with this kid and a book so.