We had all these long, wide sidewalks with steel handrails, and he convinced me to cut down the steel handrails, cut curves in the sidewalk, put in more natural material like split-rail fences and things, and planted it stem to stern. And within about two years, I was getting more letters from visitors about our horticulture than I was anything else. Now, the interesting thing, I also got letters from people saying that I needed to be fired for letting the zoo go and planting all those weeds. They just didn’t, some people didn’t get it right away. They wanted the hedges and the nice little rows of tulips in the spring, and they didn’t want these grasses and vines growing everywhere. But it just, it transformed our zoo and became the impetus for a major shift in our mission. So I have to go back again to when the zoo was started and the two counties agreed or were charged with funding it. And from day one, part of the zoo was supposed to be in both counties.