Well, we dealt with, well one thing of course that we did, and that was a really fabulous move was the, prior to my time, the same guy who, the same director who had let this girl take the gorilla out of the zoo, wanted to get an okapi for the zoo. And there happened to be, I assume it was because there was a male, a surplus male okapi in Frankfurt Zoo. And that’s what he wanted, even though there two chances of getting a female, which I think it was, yeah, it was a female, which two is slim to none, you know, that’s the two chances. But he wanted that one, and he talked to Zoo Society, I guess, into buying it, getting it. And there was the, the okapi came to San Francisco Zoo, and it was of course a lone animal, was no female available. And chances are, of never getting one. Finally he worked with the Hunt brothers, who are well-known, you know, well-known animal dealers, in getting it to Brookfield Zoo, to go with their okapis, and they would owe, they would take some of that. They would take that money and owe, owe us, owe the San Francisco Zoo that amount of money.