The guy would say, “Oh thank you, Jimmy, for bringing me that towel,” or something like that. And then of course, that’s all Jimmy was doing, bringing something, he didn’t, couldn’t talk or couldn’t do anything, except you know, he was just going around. And that’s the way this gorilla was, as far as I was concerned. Very little, and people, a deaf person couldn’t understand her. Couldn’t see her doing that. And finally I told her that if you got these two gorillas and you give me that female, we’re all, we’re free, we’re home. I said, “The deal is done, it’s finished. You get to keep who you wanna keep, and with a male, and I have a female for our colony, for our group, and we’re all happy.” I said, “And if you need help getting an endangered species permit,” I said, “I will help you write it,” ’cause I had done a lot of that.