And most of the time I could say yes, with qualified yes. When you see, when I saw animals like Sinbad, the lone male gorilla in Lincoln Park, alone and living alone for his entire life, you sorta of saw it feel, you’ve failed in that regard. But it wasn’t, you know, we there then didn’t have that responsibility in essence, but he was under our charge, but we hadn’t done that. We didn’t put him in that position. And I think it was the, when people put him, the people that put him in that position really and truly didn’t have the knowledge about gorillas say, that we did have, because much more was learned about them in the wild. A lot more was learned about them in captivity. And so you can’t say or you can’t put the blame on those people for now not doing it the right way. But still it was, it was the wrong thing to do, and it was one of those things that you wish, I personally wished it was never done, because I think that it was a very poor way of keeping an animal, a very social animal traditionally, which is a very social animal, and I always felt sorry for him.