So what happened is here’s this huge demand. So it’s economically feasible for folks, people in Indonesia and the Philippines, and India to get monkeys and get a good price for them from the researchers in the USA. With that stage set, one day I got a call from the PanAm cargo head, guy named Karn White. And we worked with Karn for years and years. By then, this was ’55. So I’d been doing the zoo thing almost 10 years by then, and we shipped a lot of livestock through both coming through and Karn had seen what we’d done in keeping things alive, going in both ways, from Asia to the United States and the other four zoos, and he knew we imported things, and everything pretty much got, that we worked with was successful because we used the brine, the proven type of shipping crates. We didn’t overcrowd, our job was to design the crates that worked, and they did work. So one morning Karn called and he said, “Paul, can you please come down? We need you here.” So I said, “Sure.” And he was a social friend as well as, as just through the, we’d frequently chat.