We realized right away that in terms of Galapagos tortoises, no zoo would ever raise them. And at San Diego Zoo, they had over 30 for many years, and at Honolulu Zoo, they had a dozen. And part of our group and part of the San Diego Zoo’s group were collected by these towns and expeditions from this New York Zoological Society that ran the Bronx Zoo and (indistinct) was the curium, that was the aquarium director here in New York. The others were brought in by either yachtsman or in a very few cases, I think the ones that were owned by the Hawaiian royalty, that were brought in by the whalers were by then gone. But at any rate, San Diego had never succeeded in raising any from their huge herd of more than three dozen. And very few of theirs had laid eggs. We had the same situation. Out of six females, only one laid eggs regularly and another rarely.