Always tell the truth, never promise them anything that you can’t deliver, and be friends and always keep your word.” And, okay. My biggest, probably biggest ally, Mark, biggest group of allies were the media people. That was, of course, pre-TV, TV came into Hawaii in the 50s, early 50s. But my best allies were just what Ms. Benchley said, the newspaper people, because when my then wife, Mary Lou, and I went back to Hawaii, I had just gotten out of the Navy there, I finished three years in San Diego State, accumulated credits. And then I finished the last year at University of Hawaii in Honolulu. And I got my degree there in biology. And while I was doing that, we were organizing a group of friends that I’d gotten to know during the war, at the end of the war. You see, after World War II, Mark, you can’t just say, “Everybody go home,” because you had to have a way to get them home.