Yes, and they even sent Gates priests, the photographer, head photographer along on one trip, I think that was the trip he went on, the one that was a combined trip and he was shooting still pictures, he wasn’t a movie photographer, and we were on an old logging road in a swamp up near Gramercy Louisiana on the airline highway, it goes up to battle on rug, and walking on this gates was a kind of a frail fellow, small man, and he was carrying graph flex cameras, he had a couple of those, a great big bag, so I was looking out after him, and he wasn’t walking very fast, so he and I were at the back end of this whole thing, and Moody was gung-ho way up in the front catching things and brick chambers who was curator of reptiles here with me was along, or he was head keeper, whatever of the reptile house, and he was along on this trip, and they were all strung up this old road where the rails had been taken out, but the road bed was still there and it was covered with all kinds of growths of various sorts, and so Gates and I were at the back, and I had just picked up one of these beautiful little, speckled, king snakes, green with dark green, with lighter green speckles on them, and put it in the bag, and walking along looking for others, and pretty soon Gates says, hey, Marlin here’s one, so I went back and here was another one just lying there under the, hadn’t moved, it was just underneath part of the vegetation, I could only see a piece of its body, so I caught it, put it in a bag, walked up down the road ahead of Gates, and pretty soon he says, hey, Marlin here’s another one, and he saw four of those things, and all of these other guys had gone on down, down the trail and hadn’t seen them, they were just lying there in this part of their body exposed, so finally I said to Gates, I says, I don’t understand this, all these guys have gone past here and they haven’t seen those snakes and you have, how do you account for that?