(George chuckles) As you were moving through the process- Well, the relationship when I first came was really, between Lincoln Park Zoo and Brookfield Zoo, was really a strained one. The board of governors that elects the trustees had an annual meeting at Brookfield in which others were invited, including the director of Lincoln Park Zoo. And Robert Bean hardly resented Marlon Perkins being paged in the middle of our meeting for some of his television doings. And this happened repeat, I witnessed it, I mean. Marlon arranged to be called (George chuckles) so that he became prominent (chuckles) in the circumstances of this annual meeting of the governing members of the Chicago Zoological Society. So it was entertaining, but truly it was distant relationship during that time. When Les Fisher became director, it was quite a different circumstance because both his veterinary background and which included his operations out of nearby suburb, Berwyn, to Brookfield. And so when Les came along, there was quite a different set of relationships and quite cordial and quite cooperative.