(George laughing) Well, in terms of what I found when I came to Brookfield and explored on my own for the first month was that the director at the time was Robert Bean, the son of the original director. And he was absolutely entranced by, as I say, the arrival of the first female okapi. They already had a male okapi from Ringling Brothers, the circus that had been impounded, so to speak, by the Fish and Wildlife Service. And Bean was so frequently in the giraffe house where the okapis were that I hardly saw him for the first month. He did not give me any direction. Indeed he entrusted me to the mentorships of the existing staff and K.P. Schmidt and Emerson, and also Smith Freeman, who was an MD at Northwest who was another part of the team. And I was courted in the animal hospital, which Smith Freeman had gotten built. And it was at the time the only, clearly separate facility for animal medicine and health in the country.