And the only organization in China that had gorilla experience was the Beijing Zoo who had a pair of gorillas. So I talked to the people at Lincoln Park and sold them on the idea, again, learning, learning, learning that if we could bring the vet from the Shanghai Zoo and the director, of course, as the head and a keeper and a translator to learn more about our gorilla management, which we did all the time, what a wonderful teaching thing. So because Beijing was the political capital, we felt it important, because they had gorillas too, to bring them also. So we extended an invitation of both zoos. They both sent delegations to Lincoln Park to learn. We hosted them. I think it was for a week. And it was wonderful. They got so much, again, in a short amount of time, they saw gorillas tranquilized and they talked to our vets and talked to the keeper staff and they had an immersive class in gorilla management, which was, again, a high point for me of being able to set this up, to get these guys the information that we had and it goes back.