I know that there was one gentleman who used to import animals, and when CITEs came and some of these things, he said, “Well, I don’t wanna do all that paperwork. I’m just not gonna do it anymore.” Which was his prerogative. But if you wanted to continue in a certain vein, you had to adhere strictly and be professional to the rules. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it’s somewhat the unfortunate in nature, but hopefully, this new legislation and increased interest in animal welfare for instance is part of getting better and you have to play by the rules. Yeah. And I think all of those came into play, animal welfare, obviously, we were aware and were touched upon in certain ways, not as much as others were. But with knowing that, again, the welfare of the animals is, under your charge is always gonna potentially be challenged. And you have to be able to show that you’re doing a professional job at a high level of maintaining the collection that you have the responsibility to do.