I said, “I’m waiting for a good shot.” He goes, “Shoot the bear. Shoot the bear anywhere.” I said, “Yes, sir.” Got him where I wanted, it wasn’t a big deal. And the bear went down and we put her on a tarp and we had 12 keepers bring her back in the den, but it was potential dangerous situation. And I think the lesson was always be prepared. You can’t be too much, you can’t not be prepared enough. You gotta, whatever your situation, whatever your protocols, whatever your zoo, if someone would’ve said, “We need four feet of rope,” we had the red box. We didn’t have to, “Where’s the rope. Where is it?” We had everything we thought. We had a megaphone if we needed it. So that lesson to me was, regardless of what the escape is, and I’ve been involved in a couple of them unfortunately, to be able to say, be prepared, have the right people there.