I think it, I was very fortunate that as a zoologist, many of the senior keepers took pity upon me or were just good guys, some were not, but most of them essentially said when there were circumstances which I hadn’t done something, they’d say, “Step back, son, let me show you how it’s done.” And then I would learn from them. Now, I might improve later on upon what I saw them do ’cause I thought it could be done better. But one time we netted a cat and they were gonna put it on top and drop it into the crate. And I, “Well, that’s dumb.” They went, drop it, you know. Let’s do it on this side and have the animal move into the crate. So they’re just little subtleties, but they were very generous to me and they could have sabotaged me 20 different ways, they chose not to. That sounds like you’re gaining their respect and they recognize you’ve got abilities. You’re not at all the time. You’ve got a brain.