And, of course, some of them were millions and millions and millions of years ago, but they were caused mostly by some cataclysmic effect, or catastrophic effect. This sixth extinction that we’re in the midst of right now is being caused by people because there’s too many people and what we’re doing. If you have a baby today and that baby is fortunate enough to live to be 84 years old, 50% of the species that are on Earth today will be gone, and in the next 84 years. That’s stunning to me. That’s unacceptable to me. And then you look at, again, what we’ve lost, like the auk and the Steller’s sea cow and the animals that are, the baiji river dolphin. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in China trying to save the baiji river dolphin, and they just didn’t get it done. They couldn’t figure it out.