Again, I think they have to work together in a concerted effort, in a way, similar to this new SAFE program where they’ve earmarked within AZA, you know, “Let’s take care of the South African penguin, let’s take care of sharks and let’s take care of certain species. Let’s focus on it and all do it together.” So that not only are they doing that together, the money’s going there and it’s going to the ground somewhere with logical good work, but the guests coming to these institutions know that part of their admission is going to these particular problems. And then we have to tell people the stories that we forget to talk about, the California condor, the black-footed ferret, the Arabian oryx. We the community have saved species because they focused on it. But I think a lot of people don’t know that. It’s taken for granted, except for the facilities that worked on it. People don’t really understand what’s actually the Przewalski horse.