You know, I think I’m not a fan of the news, or the media because they don’t seem to wanna do their homework and look up some of the other issues, some of the other sides of a discussion, some on side of a debate. They just sort of take things at face value and just print it. And the most irritating thing is when they’ll say, “Well, I got this from an expert at Animal Welfare Institute,” or something like that. And you know this person’s not an expert, hasn’t done anything. So they just don’t seem to wanna look at both sides or report both sides and just say, “So-and-so said this and so-and-so said this. And this is what we found. This is what we didn’t find, so you make up your mind.” But they just sort of, “I got a story. Here’s the story.” And they don’t care. If it makes the front page, it’s even better for them.