A drive fishery is a technique that goes back 100 years in Japan where fishermen in the southern islands would come upon schools of dolphins and they would actually put pipes in the water off the sides of their ship and form a wall and make noise and drive them, meaning move them in a group, into shallower water where they could put nets around them. And then the Japanese would kill them and eat them for food. Then, what happened in the late ’70s or early ’80s, aquariums talked to the fisherman’s co-ops and said, “Well, listen, rather than you kill the dolphin, can I just buy it and take it away?” And that fisherman co-op didn’t care. They’re either gonna kill it and get their money or get their money and let it go somewhere else. But the reality is you couldn’t divorce yourself from the fact that they’re killing the animals. And it’s a horrific scene. And you can’t wash your hands of, you can’t be involved in that because what people started accusing SeaWorld and members of the alliance of doing is perpetuating the drive fishery by buying some of those animals. And that’s not the case at all.