All of the places that have held killer whales and cared for killer whales over the years have done a tremendous job of adding to the literature. We’ve, again, gone back to fill in those pieces of the puzzle that weren’t known. When we first started talking about killer whale reproduction, for instance, everyone just assumed, in fact, it was written in the science, it was written by doctors, PhD students, that their gestation period was 12 months because they assumed, because they are a Delphinidae, they’re really a dolphin, they call them a killer whale but they’re they in the dolphin family, they just made the assumption that they have a 12 months gestation just like other dolphins. Well, we found out that’s not true. It’s 16 months. And we found out exactly what is in the capabilities or the content of the milk. Which is very very important for the southern resident whales up in Puget sound right now, because the milk is being tainted because the mothers are eating contaminated salmon. So there’s knowledge being gained that we could actually do something to intervene and help If we had to.