Why do we have little bears here?” And he says, “Well, they come from Bear World in Montana,” or something like that. And I go, “What? Bear World?” And I didn’t even know it existed. And I said, “Well, what are we doing after the summer?” And he said, “Well, we send them back.” And I go, “Well, wait a minute, we just can’t be taking bear cubs down here for the summer and then sending them back. This doesn’t make sense.” So we decided that this wasn’t a practical, sustainable solution and it didn’t seem like the right thing to do for those little bears. So we stopped doing that and switched to some other types of animals that made more sense in terms of what children would wanna do and, you know, interact with certain animals. So it was fascinating. And in Tampa, for instance, they had this bat cavern, a big building that was bats inside of it. And it’s still there today.