And so there was a big uproar that the whales were stolen in the middle of the night, and they were absconded and off they went down to San Diego. And everybody got upset and people wanted to protest. And, of course, my staff was just, you know, they knew that it was good for the animals. And then what the reaction was from HBJ, sadly enough, is they said, “Well, we’re not gonna put up with this protesting from the city and all of these demands. And we’re not gonna just put up with this guff. We’re just gonna close it.” So within a short period of time, we started moving all the animals out and I had to lay people off as all the animals were going to San Diego, or Florida at that time. That was a pretty sad affair, because there was good people. But the bright side, at the very end when we moved the last animals and the place was quiet, it was really a sad time.