By and large, they accepted the fact that it was a human failure. Happily, if nobody was seriously hurt or killed, either of the zoo employees staff, or of the visiting public, the animal escapes made great stories in the media. And I think I can look back and say that again, we were treated fairly by the media because if we goofed, we said we did. Happily, the escapes were minimal in terms of being an issue. And I think that the probably difficult ones were the dangerous animals, where we’ve had several bears that got out of their facility, we had certainly the four different, big male gorillas at Lincoln Park, all of which at one time or another were out of their cages. Bushman, Sinbad, I’m trying to think of the name of the other two, Freddy and I think one other, that ended up happily with the animals, going back to their cage. There’s a silly story again, about Frank Schmick and Sam the chimp, at one time, in an outside cage four or five sub-adult chimps got out, because the bars had rusted and somehow they got the thing loose, and the door gave way, and we had chimps running around the zoo area. And one of them decided to head toward downtown, heading south on inner Lake Shore Drive.