Well, over a period of time, as with all things like that, you go from one side of the cycle to the other. The very first recollection I have of great ape conservation was the orangutans. The baby orangs of all the ape babies anyway are by far, in my judgment, the handsomest, prettiest animals ever. They’re a little red head and red hair, and just a wonderful sight to see a baby orang. And over the years, many baby orangs were brought from Asia to zoos of the world. and some survived and some didn’t. And somebody said, “You know, “if we’re gonna try to shut down this sort of transfer “of orangs from the wild to the captive state, “we’ve got to stop bringing them in.” And so my recollection is that there was a voluntary arbitrary ban that we put on importing anymore baby orangs at that time to try to stop filling up this pipeline of youngsters that were probably coming because the parents were being killed, and the babies were used as a cash commodity. And in addition to that, then the zoos as with many things in the wild state, when I took over at Lincoln Park, administratively in 1962, I could order any animal, any kind of animal anywhere in the world.