And I finally went to the head of the airport and said, “I have an emergency situation.” He said, “What’s that?” And I said, “I’ve got to go get a baby elephant.” And of course, he thought I was a little wacko. And I finally convinced him of what I was up to, and I sat there and watched these people loading that flight one by one, and hating every one of them. And finally, there were two seats left for standbys, and the guy from the airport manager’s office said, “Fisher, you can get on this flight.” So I arrive in Sri Lanka, contact my colleague, the director of the zoo, and found out he’d left the day before for the conference in Caracas, that I was gonna go to. And I thought, “Oh boy.” Anyway, we went out to the orphanage, and I picked out what I thought was the animal that I wanted. And it looked great, and I was excited. And then I was told after sometime that you can’t have that animal, and I said, “Why not?” And they said, “That one’s committed “to your national zoo in Washington.” They also have decided to adopt the animal. And I thought, “Well, I can’t fight that one, “I can’t argue with them about it.” And went and picked another elephant baby that I thought would be good, and happily that one was ours.